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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Top 5 Tuesday: Mario mania

I’m venturing into the world of video games today for my weekly Top 5 List. I’ve been an owner or sibling of an owner of the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, N64, GameCube and Wii, so I’ve played my fair share of Nintendo games. Of course, those include everyone’s favorite Italian plumber — Mario!
He’s been featured in dozens, if not more than 100 games over the last 25 or so years. We all know which ones are really good and popular, but here are my Top 5 Mario games:

Honorable mention:
Super Mario Bros. 2 - it’s like Mario on an acid trip and very different from the other Mario games, but had it’s memorable moments and characters - Birdo;
Donkey Kong - it was Mario’s debut, but not technically as Mario, but well all know it was him jumping barrels and climbing ladders;
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games - set in Beijing - the two rivals and their friends come together for an Olympic competition  - good fun and way better than the new one set in London;
Super Mario Bros Wii - it’s similar to the original game, with new stuff added in, but you can play up to 4 players simultaneously - madness! It’s a chance for us to regain our childhood but with friends in a wild game of Mario.

5. Mario Golf (N64) — This one may be controversial and a bit unknown for most people, but those who have played it will understand. It was a fun, entertaining way to play golf —  as Mario, Luigi or other Super Mario characters like Bowser. You could push buttons and make noise while your friends were swinging. A true classic that I played for many hours.

4. Super Mario Bros. (NES) — Yep, the original game that boosted Mario into fame and captured our hearts is only #4. We still love the game and its sound effect and graphics. Nothing more exciting than climbing stairs, leaping for faith, clinging to a large flag pole and then running inside an abandoned looking castle - only to move on to the next level. Love it!

3. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) — Some might argue the original is better, but for me, I loved the ability to take the leaf and fly. We learned Bowser has a handful of children, whom we had to defeat world by world. This game took the original and made it newer and better. It’s still tough trying to match up the head, body and feet of the mushroom, flower and star in that bonus game.

2. Super Mario World (SNES) — We’ve now taken a jump to the Super Nintendo. One reason this one is higher than the previous 2 — Yoshi. Who doesn’t love the green dinosaur, who can turn into other colors later in the game. He could fly with you and eat almost anything, while protecting you. New baddies were created for this one. I spent many, many hours in junior high and some in high school playing this game. I’ve even played it a couple years ago - never gets old - especially with Star Road.

1. Super Mario Kart (SNES) — Hard to argue this isn’t the best. It’s not the traditional Mario game, but it took racing games to a whole new level and entertainment for everyone. We learned about Rainbow Road and Ghost Valley. Some might even argue the later games are better, but having played those, I beg to differ. The original game let talent win outright. There was no computer assistance - hence my good friend, who nearly perfected some levels, could almost lap me, even if I took 2nd place. Red Koopa shells and Stars were the best! Ahhhhh, the good ole days! I’d say the Wii version is the next best version, but can’t beat the classic!

1 comment:

jmt said...

Seeing as though Mario games are the only ones I'll play, safe bet they're all good. Dr. Mario doesn't make the list? :)